Who We Are


The Denver Companions of Christ were established December 12, 2007 in the Archdiocese of Denver. In their life, the Companions of Christ have three emphases: observance of the evangelical counsels within the context of their ordained ministry; commitment to a common life of prayer and fraternity; and a dedication to the "new evangelization" including catechesis, spiritual renewal, and the fostering of vocations in the local Church. This life is done through formation within in the Companions of Christ and the living of a life in agreement with the Ideals of the Companions of Christ.

Charism Statement

Consecrated priests and called to be men of communion, we seek intimate companionship with Christ through a common life of vulnerability, mutual help and friendship; so that more deeply configured to Jesus, poor, chaste and obedient, we may go and bear fruit that will abide (John 15:16).